Ronny Heiremans (B, 1962) uses landscape as a pretext to explore the construction and reception of images. Each of his site specific works could be seen as a temporary observatory within which he proposes a model to activate the surrounding space. He doesn’t only deconstruct the artificiality of images or so-called neutral spaces, Heiremans also proposes that the spectator moves, chooses his own position and so ultimately, creates his own perspective. The image only interests him in its double, performative role: how does the image build itself and what does the image propose to do? In Util he presents video and a drawing, or rather the act of transition from plan to drawing.
In his drawing the horizon determines the construction of the image. The attempt to contain what is “out of reach” needs to be continuously remade: a review of the image. Heiremans’ wall drawing incites us to make use of a way of looking that is structured by voids and intermediate spaces as much as by the disorder generated by artefacts. This multiplicity of perspectives presents the opposite of a stable and complete vision of reality. What he is proposing to us is well and truly an “image to be rebuilt”.
(Vincent Meessen)
Wall drawing (6 x 2m)
Drawings on Paper (1.5 X 2.5m)
Video Dyptich on flat-screen
Produced by Ltd.Ed.vzw for B(U)ILD presenting work of Emmanuel Pinard and Ronny Heiremans
B(U)ILD was an exposition organized by UTIL, September 2005.UTIL is an art project powered by Normal aslb/vzw, Brussels