Starting point for this study are the recordings of an archaeologist in Pecos, New Mexico. She is in charge of the physical resources of the Pecos National Historical Park. Therefore she is responsible for the preservation of the huge adobe mission the Spanish invaders built on this site in the 17th century. To prevent this fragile building from washing away, it was completely encapsulated with new sacrificial adobes. These new adobes sole function being to slow down the process of erosion, they are allowed to wear down severely up until a degree where they no longer can fulfil their function. At that moment they are taken away and the original 17th century adobe structure becomes visible. This revealed part of the building is then carefully documented and the archaeologist makes a detailed outline drawing of whatever is left of the original wall.While doing so she reflects on the nature of her drawing, the perception and identification of what is drawn,archival problems, photography, digital media…
New Mexico, 2004
Video projection
1 DVD – 18’
Produced by Ltd.Ed.vzw for (RE)CONSTRUCTION, which presented work of Els Vanden Meersch, Katleen Vermeir and Ronny Heiremans; Witte Zaal, GHENT, 2005.